Monday, March 2, 2009

"Why Anti-War Protesters and Legislators Opposed to the Iraq War Should Extend the Olive Branch to President Obama Concerning Iraqi Troop Withdrawal"

Remember first and foremost protestors and legislators in the beginning of the "Iraq War" when most of you advocated that you were philosophically for the war after experiencing the attacks on this country on 9-11, when none of you save a minuscule few in both the House and the Senate cast any vote that would symbolically reflect and characterize your current opposition to the war.... remember that you differed then in your constitutionally provided war powers to the former presidential administration, maybe because it was the politically sound, safe, and savvy maneuver to follow at the time. Nevertheless; congress as a group chose to willingly acquiesce, your sole congressional role (not duty, or obligation) but "Power" as the only branch of government able to Declare War. You gave this power which was your power alone to give to a Commander in Chief, with the unprecedented assistance of a Vice President who were both known at the time for doing everything within and in excess of their constitutionally granted authorities to take us to war. It was congressional apathy that gave us such a thing called the Iraq War (Previous sentiment expressed publicly and correctly by "Pat Buchanan"). It wasn't that congress was unable to stop the Iraq war by simply exercising it's "War Power", because they were. In fact it was far worse than that, many in congress conscientiously chose to stand aside and let this war happen by giving away their sole "War Power" responsibility and with it their responsibility for the War and it's administration to the previous administration. This is why instead of calling the War, "The American War against Al-Qaeda Terrorists Sympathizers and the Dictatorship of Saddam Hussein in Iraq", instead we call it the “Iraq War”. This is why instead of being a war that was thought of as necessary for our country to fight and win to preserve our democracy and world democracy, we are left with something that appears as a failed military attempt to establish America's preeminence over other global governments and forms of political governance that now carry the secondary moniker of our national shame by casually being known worldwide as "Bush's Iraq War". The history must be told that in these days that formed the “Iraq War” in America there was a junior Senator from Illinois that said (No!), if he had the responsibility to vote with the then democratic Senate majority, he would oppose this war. From the beginning of this issue we had someone able to see through the politics and patriotism of the issue enough to ask the basic question why. From his actions then I am left with nothing less than the logical conclusion now that he is doing everything that he possibly can do to make sure that we achieve the goal of finally leaving Iraq. He has always said that we must be as careful getting out of the war as we were reckless getting in... President Obama has already said that we are leaving and has provided a date for certain for that action and has indicated to the “American” people and the “Iraqi” people at large the message that we shall stay until we can leave Iraq safely and leave Iraq in relative safety, (this is the reason that debatably high troop levels must be maintained until the Iraqi people are safely beyond their upcoming elections in December). The second part of this is that Iraq should now be preparing for what happens after these December elections because after we have fulfilled this last obligation we will most assuredly leave. Congress in the rancor over troop levels is asking the wrong questions instead of narrowly focusing on the amount of troops ask instead this question, "Why would someone who has sworn to end this war as soon as possible choose to delay his promised time frame by 3 months and also why would he this amount of troops to carry us through his projected end date?" It is not inconceivable to believe that you do not enough information to answer these questions but it is also conceivable and factual to believe that the "American" people elected a President and your "party leader" whom they trust in and believe is fully qualified, and by virtue of the office that he possesses is responsible to answer that question for you. Consider this, if congress had done what it could have done then, President Obama would not have to do, what he has to do now. Instead of trying to curry constituent favor by providing them with what is considered (cotton candy) political fluff, be responsible adults and tell your voters that if you don't brush their teeth they will rot. Give the guy a break!

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