Friday, March 19, 2010

If the Right was Fiscally & Morally Right on Health Care Reform?

In asking the question "If the Right was Right on Health Care Reform" I have come to the conclusion that the upcoming vote on the health care reform bill on Sunday 2:07 PM EST is a watershed moment in our history, I know you the American national electorate understand that if the opponents of health reform were focused on doing the right thing for our nation fiscally and morally, the most responsible and compassionate action they could have undertaken would have been to contribute in the crafting of legislation in good faith with the presentation of honest philosophical partisan proposals and even partisan solution strategies and negotiate a bill which eventually they could vote their conscience on the product of what would have been but for their obstinacy a bi-partisan bill. This in fact was the preferable method for crafting a health care bill, and more importantly how the "Founding Father's" envisioned how legislation should be crafted. The "Founding Father's had hoped a legislative process was ceated that would insure that even in partisan environments if all parties involved were truly concerned with the welfare of the nation that at all times the best consensus legislation could be created through honest and open structured and procedural debate that reflected the true will and consciousness of the electorate that placed the "Senators" and "House Members" in office. At a time when true statesmen were necessary from the opposition...the opposition chose to make this issue of health care a "Waterloo" for the Presidency of Obama. In the face of so much suffering and unrighteousness performed by the insurance and health care industry rather than focusing on the well-being of the nation sadly, and clearly the opposition has operated in a manner which displays that it is more important to Conservatives, the Republican Party, some Tea Party members and all of the Birth-er Movement to discredit the Democratic Party and by association the first African American President of the USA than it is to provide Health Reform for the citizens of this nation. A nation should be concerned about the health of its citizenry....we should endeavor to regard our citizens as soldiers in as much as everyone knows that sick and dead soldiers don't win and can't fight the many battles our nation now faces. Here's a simple comparison to refute the "Government Run Health care" fear inducing "Buzz Word" argument. What would happen if you bring the nation’s military health system into parity with that of the average citizen of the United States of America in other words the average health care and ability to pay for health care would be equal as all soldiers would pay for their own health care through the free-market system and consequently would have the same average health of their civilian countrymen as it currently exits. What do you think would be the military readiness of this force? Would we as an American fighting force have the ability to maintain our military superiority if our soldiers had the same overall average health and health concerns and premium payment issues as an average American citizen? Would it make any financial sense for the government to maintain payment of higher Prescription Drug payments when we know how to lower these costs specifically and significantly or is their any fiscal logic in honoring the state by state monopoly of health care and insurance providers and pay 30% for the "For Profit Health Insurance Organization" overhead when the overhead for non-profit organizations is approximately 6% or 7% knowing the 23% or 24% difference doesn't enhance service or quality for patients but goes directly to the profits of "For Profit Health Insurance Organization" insurers. The next time someone advocates that health reform is a "Government Run Takeover" remind them that every modern soldier that has fought and won conflicts for America has had their medical health and training provided for supervised and managed by the government and if it is good enough to make our soldiers the best in the world then why isn't it adequate or good enough for our general citizens especially when the spouses and children of every member of congress is enjoying "Government Run Health care" So it's okay for our soldiers to create the best military force in the world with "Government Run Health care," it's okay for every Congressman in our Legislature Okay for every Supreme Court Justice and staff member okay for every member of the Executive Branch okay for every Federal & State elected official okay for everyone in government elected or appointed to have and use the benefits of "Government Run Health care" but the benefits of the "Government Run Health care" system which 99.9% of all Federal Government employees would not give back, decline to accept or fail to take advantage of Ala "Chainey and his 5 heart attacks," "Government Run Health care" is not okay for the average citizen. The message is clear to get the best health care you have to be a part of the club of "Government" or the "Wealthy"....average citizens run for office and replace the bum(s) that want to keep their "Government Sponsored" non-profit health care but want to leave you and your family at the mercy of the "For Profit Health Insurance Industry." The saddest and gravest irony is that your tax dollars are paying for the economic shortfall created by the Bush tax cut proposals which increased the deficit to just over 2 trillion dollars in 3 years and every uninsured person who utilizes health care services in this country and also your tax dollars are funding in real-time the government sponsored non-profit health insurance coverage for every federal employee but it can’t pay for your own individual health insurance coverage until you become a recipient of Medicare. Thank you.

The Political Intrigue Examiner

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