Wednesday, August 14, 2013



Where in the Bible did you get this Doctrine of belief from...The first step to being "Born Again" or "Regenerated" is faith in Yeshua/Jesus Christ. The Bible is clear that the only means of regeneration is by faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross. "If Christ's work on the cross is finished then what work is there left for you to do?" No amount of good works or keeping of the law can regenerate the heart which from birth is “deceitful and wicked above all things” The reason it's hard, actually impossible for a person to LEARN TO HATE WHO YOU/THEY ARE IN THE NAME OF JESUS is that your "Salvation" is then conditioned on your own Self Effort or your own "Work(s)" in the practice of HATING WHO YOU ARE IN THE NAME OF JESUS. Hate yourself in my name of Jesus to enter the Kingdom of this really what Jesus was preaching/teaching to Nicodemus.

(NIV) John 3:1-5 Jesus Teaches Nicodemus 1 Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2 He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.” 3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.[a]” 4 “How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!” 5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit[b] gives birth to spirit. 7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You[c] must be born again.’ 8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”[d]

We know scripture says that Salvation cannot be achieved through works it is the free gift of how does LEARNING TO HATE WHO YOU ARE IN THE NAME OF JESUS influences or makes God "Regenerate" you? The sign of "Regeneration" is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in a person "this is the meaning of being born of the Spirit" so the question is are you "Born Again" or "Regenerated" if you never received the Holy Spirit? UNFORTUNATELY CAN'T NOBODY FIND ANY BORN AGAIN where does it say in the Bible that homosexuals cannot be "Born of the Spirit/Have the Holy Ghost" and will not be given "Salvation/Regeneration-You can't see the Kingdom of God without being "Regenerated." You are definitely not regenerated if you never received the Holy Ghost.

The reason you can't find Born Again gays is that you believe your Bible says that "Born Again" gays are fairy-tales, and don't exist and anyone that says they are "Gay" and "Born Again" is a lying "Demon Child" of Satan trying to tempt you but will be going straight to hell for blaspheming the Holy Spirit. If you believe it and say it you ought to be able to demonstrate you know it because you can show it- where is the scripture or scriptures that you are relying on that demonstrate what you believe is also the truth revealed in the word of God.

When what you believe you know from the Bible isn't found in the Bible it's time to find out the truth. After you have been "Regenerated" one of the first tasks one embarks on is in finding the truth- you have to be willing to REJECT ALL UNTRUE INFORMATION LEARNED WHILE YOU WERE UNREGENERATE AND ACQUIRE NEW UNDERSTANDING AND NEW INFORMATION IN YOUR REGENERATED STATE. In short you have to reevaluate your spiritual knowledge realizing that while you were un-regenerated you didn't now anything and what you thought you knew wasn't the truth...Just like in Philippians 3 you have to count all things before regeneration as all loss throwing off the dirty clothes of the old man while putting on the new garments of the new man.

Start by understanding 2 Timothy 2:15. Is what you believe of scripture coming from your Religion, your Tradition, your own knowledge/someone elses interpretation...The truth is what you believe of scripture should only come from the source of the Holy Spirit- The comforter, the guide, etc...Spiritual education is one of the primaary functions of the Holy Spirit. BUT UNTIL YOU SEE IT FOR YOURSELF IT'S WISHFUL THINKING-

This is why every thing you think you know has to to be verified through the scripture by you via the Holy Ghost...If you think you know it you'll never know that you don't know it and you reject the truth in error when it is presented to you because it's nothing that you short you accept the lies and reject the truth because your religion, tradition , knowledge or other people never exposed you to the truth, you never learned the truth. Here are some topics and issues people think they know but don't.

1. The Primary reason shown by Genesis 19 that Sodom and Gomorrah where destroyed was because of homosexuality.
Answer: Ezekiel 16:49-50 -God tells us through His prophet specifically why He destroyed Sodom and her Sister Gomorrah.

Is what you thought you knew the truth?

2. You are not born homosexual, homosexuality is an abomination therefore there is no truth in the belief God creates homosexuals from the womb.

Answer: Matthew 19:12 answers the question but you have to understand what a Eunuch was in the context of the age...Specifically what does it mean spiritually to be a Eunuch born so from their mother's womb and what does it mean Physically to be a Eunuch born so from their mother's womb.

Is what you thought you knew the truth?

3. Adultery, Fornication, and Homosexuality are all Abominable sexual sins punishable by death God's Law forbid all types of sexual sin.
Answer: Exodus 20 reveals the 10 commandments of God's law and Exodus 20:14 the Seventh commandment only lists Adultery which has a specific definition of it's meaning...How did Fornication and Homosexuality get added to the meaning of the words in God's Law....

Is what you thought you knew the truth?

When it comes to scripture from the world it's not trust then verify it is verify before you trust...the only source of Spiritual knowledge that you can trust is revealed from the Holy Spirit. Hope this helps you!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Super-cop George Zimmerman's Depraved Hunt!

The State doesn't/didn't have a tightly-knit case theory that could easily be explained to the here it is!

The 2 major requirements necessary for any crime to be committed is "Motive" and "Opportunity" usually the more depraved the crime is…the more passionate the motive. Motives can be rational or irrational, understood or not understood but they are always personal…meaning whatever the value and significance of the motive is. It is the greatest desire of the person that has the motive. What was the greatest desire of Zimmerman? Do you think if he knew he could get away with it that Zimmerman would have killed to achieve his greatest desire? I know the answer to this question and I believe the evidence shows that there is only one reasonable conclusion that can be reached when we put together all the facts and evidence in this case. I’m not asking you to put together the facts in the way the state wants nor am I asking you to put the facts together the facts in the way that the defense wants. I’m not asking you to include certain facts here and eliminate certain facts there to put together an opinion…no I am asking you to do what juries are supposed to do which carefully examine all facts and evidence, consider all testimony to it’s truth, based on what is logical, what is reasonable and what is truth. The truth is Zimmerman callously without feeling or remorse killed Trayvon Martin, why because Trayvon Martin put in jeopardy the one thing Zimmerman had wanted his whole life….and we all know what that is. Trayvon Martin’s fate was sealed on Feb 26 when Zimmerman realized that if Trayvon made it home that his life pursuit would be over! In Zimmerman’s mind it was life or death because in the instant when it mattered Trayvon’s continued life meant the death of his dream.

Prosecution version of the Facts tied together based on all the Evidence and "Determinations of Truth" which are Reasonably constructed

The Encounter: George Zimmerman Super-Cop-without a cause

Zimmerman driving down to the store when he notices something out of the ordinary, the notices that one individual that seems to be out of place… A suspicious street punk who has no business being in his neighborhood, but wait there is something odd about this @#$%@^. The perpetrator has something in his pocket and it’s weighing his hoody down it’s about 16", 18” long and heavy just like my gun. This is it this is my chance to do something that the police force would have to take notice of. I’ll catch my first perpetrator…I’ll follow him to see where he is going and who knows I may be able to catch him red-handed in the act of armed burglary.
This is where the hunt started, this is where it all began that day when judge I mean George Zimmerman decided he was going to be a super-cop (a super-cop without a cause). Zimmerman finally had a chance to display his above ordinary skills and training, he had made the perp out to have a gun… And this was something that it took skill and training to recognize the unrecognizable...recognizing the criminal mind and criminal intent in someone being where they shouldn’t have been with a gun in his pocket. How did you know George, how did you catch him…Well when I noticed him he had something in his pocket and it was the gun and the rest you know is history. George Zimmerman Super-cop only this super-cop had no cause and more importantly because of other factors known George Zimmerman at the time he would most likely never be a cop.

The Hunt- These punks they always get away

Zimmerman has intense firsthand experience with how difficult it can be to nail down a perpetrator to an ultimate conviction he knows that he has to be smart and stay one step ahead, because if you have to keep up then you have already lost. Zimmerman has had 40+ experiences with these punks, and they all had one thing in common they all got away but this time this situation was going to be different, this one was not going to get away. This time Zimmerman had vowed to himself that this punk, this one, he was not going to let get away. Zimmerman would do and was doing all that he could to make sure that this time this one…would not get away. This was a hunt and too Zimmerman Trayvon Martin wasn’t human he was an animal and this animal wasn’t going to get away…These punks they always get away, but this time it wasn't going to happen like the other 40 times before...this time this punk was going to get away.
Here is where we establish the mindset of Zimmerman, because Zimmerman was in hunt mode and because he was in the hunt mode… He had no consideration for Trayvon Martin’s life as another human being. Now we go back to an earlier reference in evidence which is what was the answer to the question Why do you want to be a Police officer? What was reason that Zimmerman gave as to why he wanted to be a police officer? If you look in evidence you’ll see (insert quote”) part of the excitement of being a police officer for Zimmerman was the hunt and in this moment he had an opportunity to hunt his favorite prey, "Human Beings" not "Real Human Beings" the ones who looked like those described on those 40+ phone calls, the ones who Zimmerman knew as the ones who always got away.

The Chase

Note to self must improve surveillance and tailing skills (stop) I have visual confirmation that the perpetrator has made me out and he knows that I am following him… I expect the perpetrator to begin to take evasive maneuvers in response…if the perpetrator is successful in eluding me I expect him to return promptly to his original activity when the coast is clear. The perpetrator has made a grave strategic and tactical error in a maneuver to find cover he has entered into my home territory…a position where I have the advantage... it is no longer possible to pursue by vehicle he’s trying to make a break for it. While these thoughts were occurring the physical activities that were occurring was the non-emergency call to the police department… which occurred in the thick of the moment this is why when the dispatcher asked are you following him and Zimmerman said yes and the dispatcher specifically said “we don’t need you to do that” Every hunter knows you do not break off the chase until you have caught your prey…even taking the time to make this phone call has caused Zimmerman to lose visual and Zimmerman would have to pick up the trail again but he can't do that if he is stuck at location waiting for a cop. Dispatcher: What’s your address sir so the police can meet you? We know the rest!

Oh Shit, He’s Right Behind Me

Trayvon was on his final route home on the phone when he said these words…there was no escaping this relentless pursuit he had tried avoidance but Zimmerman would not let the situation be avoided so where do you run when there is nowhere to run….It ‘s time to ask the question what are you following me for. When you are being hunted there is no such thing as the prey calling off the hunt this is only reserved for the hunter for reasons like it’s to dark and late,(Zimmerman wouldn't be stopped by that-that's why you have a flashlight) the prey Is out of territory boundaries,(Zimmerman's Perspective: According to Stand Your Ground, the whole state of Florida is my territory-no problems there) mistaken identity,(no mistake he doesn't belong here...look at him). There was no way Trayvon could have stopped this, and the main reason is this Trayvon didn't start it...every confirmed reaction of Trayvon was because of one thing and one thing only, the hostile, safety threatening, life threatening hunt and pursuit actions of George Zimmerman. Why didn't you call of the hunt George, why didn't you stay in the car. The prey never can stop the hunt…but that is man to animal, but man to man the hunted has the ability to ask the hunter, “Why are you doing this?”
This is where all questions were answered and this is where the motive began that ended Trayvon’s life when Zimmerman finally caught up to Trayvon Martin and Trayvon had the opportunity to ask:
Whatcha following me for? Now in this time period this is where Zimmerman found out how wrong he was and realized the consequences of his actions because Trayvon actually had truth on his side and Zimmerman all he had now was crazy imaginations, crazy because he misinterpreted everything, crazy because everything he thought was skill and training turned out to be his own crazy delusions…What about you being in this area I, I know all my neighbors and I’ve never seen you before? I live off of….. What about the gun in your hoody? Man what gun this is some tea and some skittles... If you live there then why were you over here? It’s raining and plus you were following me like some crazy ass cracker oh like I'm supposed to lead you to my house with my little brother there? Reality set in Super-cop who was now Super-flop...his ticket into the police force became full-fledged validation of why he would never be a cop of why they would never give him a badge. What could George do the police were on their way and it is only a matter of time before they catch up to him and question him, but what is he going to say?

I f'ed Up

If I tell them what really happened I’m screwed, If he goes home and tells his family they might call it in and I’m screwed… I’ll tell them a lie but too many loose ends if they find out the truth I’m screwed….I need to make sure that he doesn’t get home I need to kill him…but how do I kill him and make it legal Then George remembered his course “Stand your Ground” he knew that in order for stand your ground to work he would have to make the killing look like self-defense, in order for self-defense to be believed there has to be a clear fight…if I can prove self-defense because of the fight then all the other problems would just melt away. At this point every action that Zimmerman took was with the goal of killing Trayvon Martin and making it look like Self-defense, it had to be done now and he was the only one to do it. This is “Depraved Indifference” because his life and his dream depended on one thing too George Zimmerman and that one thing was killing Trayvon Martin while making it look like self-defense.

Zimmerman’s attacks Trayvon- Get off, get off!

As Trayvon thought the situation was handled he began going home again he’s back on the phone and walking home then Zimmerman decides it’s now or never It has to look like he charged him from behind this is where the struggle began initiated by Zimmerman. The fight wasa started the way all cowards start fights he jumped him from by behind?

Witnesses 3:1 (The other 3 are lying but I’m telling the truth)

This is where the witnesses testimony start all except one who can say they have no relation to Trayvon Martin or Zimmerman…curiously the one witness who saw the same event as 3 other people has a relationship with Zimmerman and his account is different from the rest essentially 1 is telling the truth and 3 are lying but this is not the case….The real situation is that 3 are telling the truth without any self-interest and 1 is partially telling the truth for the interest of himself and his friend.

I couldn’t see...but!

Witness Good's testimony is troubling because he’s the only one of 4 that says something different but when you actually look at what he said, you find he doesn’t actually say it… “I can’t be sure if it was Trayvon or Zimmerman on top I am sure that the person on the bottom was lighter.” So why is it that you a reasonable person can’t testify as too who was on top and who was on the bottom. Or shall I ask it this way why is that you won’t say under oath who was on top and who was on bottom. You clearly want us to believe that it was Zimmerman on the bottom, but you never say it because you saw Zimmerman on both the top and the bottom… You recognized and saw Zimmerman on top before the gunshot and you saw him on the bottom after the gun shot. So I guess your answer might be kind of sort of true as long as you didn’t ask the question when was the lighter skin person on the bottom.

Pound and Ground, really?

You heard a commotion outside it was loud enough to get your attention so you went outside and when you went outside you were surprised right before your eyes was a person that looked like George your neighborhood watchman in an MMX matchup. See the thing about good friends or acquaintances is we not only recognize them when he hear them we recognize them when we see them. So if you didn’t know George when you saw him you certainly knew him when you heard him when he called out to you asking for help (Georgy was asking you for help but it wasn’t for the fight He needed help on how to clean up this mess. You walked out and saw Zimmerman who you recognized as your neighborhood watchman in control of the situation when you recognized what was happening as you described it as “Ground and Pound” you knew that he the neighborhood watchman had control of the situation or else you would have helped out your neighborhood watchman… You knew as George knew from the technique being used that George had the weight advantage and the power advantage….The reason it’s called "Ground and Pound" is that you ground your opponent or pin them to the ground with your superior weight and while they are unable to move and flat on their back you use your power to pound them…but this situation was different he saw grounding but he didn’t see pounding he saw a lot of motion but we know there weren't any blows because (we know Trayvon had no signs of fighting-this means that the person indicated by three witnesses that was on the wrong end of ground and pound had no injuries) and why is that because Zimmerman could not afford to put any signs of an altercation on Trayvon if there were any signs of an altercation Zimmerman had to make sure that he suffered them and Trayvon didn’t have any marks of a fight and at this particular time neither did Georgie. His Neighborhood watchman George had control of the situation, he knew he was trying to make the police force, and he knew that catching someone in the act of crime might make all the difference in helping his neighborhood watchman make the force so he was eager…to call the police.

I’m going to call the police

Going back to right after Good made his phone call to the police
Zimmerman's first words after shooting
Zimmerman: I need you to come and help me the police are already on the way
Why weren't they call an ambulance, because he needed Trayvon to be dead
When Good went in to make the phone call, this where Zimmerman realized Trayvon Martin, He’s got to die- and I have to make it look as if I was just defending myself...Good is going to call the police again so they will no where to come & nobody is here to see so I have to do the killing before Good comes back out of that door. This has to be just right I have to slide my hand back to my holster pull out my gun roll over positioning the perpetrator on top of me and shoot him so that he dies...end of problem. The gun had to be aimed before he rolled over because He would not have time to Aim it after he flipped...So he pressed the gun at his heart and rolled this is why the shot wasn't dead center because when he released Martin the target moved about 4" from the muzzle of the gun before it was fired.

The Gunshot-(Oh Shit! the other Person is Dead)

Strange thing to say--- the other person is dead if you don’t know the people involved and hear a gunshot…you don’t say the other person is dead you say somebody got shot. This is significant because of it’s specificity because this moment on the phone with the police it tells us exactly what a truthful testimony from Good should have been. Good told us by his recorded response…..Holy shit the other person is dead. See the last things Good saw before he called the police was George Zimmerman in control in Superior position of the Ground and Pound technique, Good heard exactly who was crying for help, we now know Trayvon Martin was crying for help and Good actually saw the gun in Zimmerman’s hand. How do we know that Good saw the gun because when the gun went off while he was on the phone with the police the cries for help immediately stopped, if Zimmerman was really the one crying for help then Good would have reasonably concluded that his neighborhood watchman was dead, but the next words of Good tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Holy shit, the other person is dead. You only say the other person is dead…when the person you know isn’t dead…and what did Good know, he knew Zimmerman- his neighborhood watchman had the gun he knew it because he saw it… he knew the cries for help stopped immediately after the gun was fired. George- the neighborhood watchman had the gun why would he be dead, he knew that the cries for help came from the other person whom Good didn't know so when the gun fired and the cries stopped...Good knew Zimmerman wasn't dead. Good knew as much and he said as much unfiltered....Holy shit, the other person is dead.

Zimmerman Screaming for His Life

I don't know why Zimmerman was screaming for his life, especially in this fight he initiated because he had all the advantages; size, experience, training, and the gun...when you look at all of that...then why was Zimmerman in a life threatening situation? There is no reasonable reason why Zimmerman should be in mortal fear of his life as indicated by Trayvon screaming in the 911 screams...even in starting the fight Zimmerman was going to win and he knew it. The weights of these two individuals was different enough that professionally they would be in different weight classes an untrained middleweight against a trained heavyweight. Who do you think would win that fight? Dividing up boxing/MMX into weight classes helped to reduce the number of lop sided victories and the ability of fighters to pick on smaller opponents. After Middleweight you have Super-Middleweight, Light-heavyweight, Cruiserweight and then you reach Heavyweight...this means Zimmerman and Trayvon would never fight in a professional matchup because the fight ticket wouldn't be fair. How can you be reasonably in fear of your life in a fight this unfair a fight you mathematically win before it is even started? This massacre to borrow a fight term happened because physically Zimmerman was not in fear of his life, he had no reason to be. In fact when you look all that occurred that George did the one thing you can't find is fear...because Super-cops have no fear. I don't know why Zimmerman would be screaming it defies common sense. But what doesn't defy common sense is why Trayvon Martin was screaming for his life and this is why...because at this time Super-cop is on top of Trayvon Martin, the gun is visible and Zimmerman had made it perfectly clear to Trayvon that tonight you’re gonna die….Trayvon was pinned down he couldn’t move and all that he could do was scream for his life. Zimmerman was on a time clock this is the time when Zimmerman told Trayvon now you are going too die, you are going to die tonight…if you don’t fight back your death will be instant and painless one bullet right through the heart. Zimmerman put the gun flush to Trayvon's heart rolled over maneuvering Trayvon on Top made sure he was in position released his grip long enough to allow Trayvon to begin pulling back and then fired: one, two, three, Four...Aim, Roll, Release, and Fire. Trayvon Martin died with hope, the last moment of hope that Trayvon Martin had was when Zimmerman rolled over and let him go 4" of separation from the gun muzzle and Trayvons heart, Trayvon was shot resulting in his death...but because Zimmerman had a plan that hope of Trayvon and Trayvon's life was cut short.

The Cover-up: He sucker punched me in my nose, He got the advantage over me, He was banging my head in the concrete, He hit me in my head at least 2wice, All the evidence will show it, I guarantee!

And this is when Good comes back on the scene asking what happened and being told by Zimmerman the truth, (because you need the truth to make the perfect lie) this where the coverup begins at the moment when you have a friendly neighbor willing to help out and a Super-cop on the scene one who knows you need physical injuries and not just any kind of injuries, you need the kind of injuries that anyone would reasonably say would put you in fear of your life. You need multiple head injuries 2 head injuries will do the job. 1 may be an accident 2 shows me that there was some intent.

We don’t have enough information to say how and who put the injuries on Zimmerman but we do know he had motive and opportunity and the police knowledge behind Zimmerman's injury plants. Police professionals know the nose bleed and the head injury are very bloody injuries they are the most bloody injuries that can be made with the least amount of force to create them, nose bleeds and head injuries both look bloody horrible…and here is the real police knowledge about head injuries is that any head injuries allow you to reasonably make a case that you were reasonably in fear of your life...if you're going to claim self-defense you better have a head injury! The nose bleed and the head injuries were both for show that’s why it never made sense that the injuries were just to minor to be received in the fight Zimmerman described...they were too damn small to be important as injuries...Zimmerman’s head injuries were consistent with someone tenderly and lovingly hitting his head on the concrete once or twice to get the look of head injuries but not the effects. Zimmerman's head injuries were made so they would get the look but not the effects. This was staged as if it were done by himself or a Good friend.

Why does this all sound so true…

The answer is simple it’s because it has to be the truth based on all the facts that we can examine…all the facts are consistent with a motive and opportunity for George Zimmerman and this cannot be disputed…the defense wanted you to believe that Trayvon Martin had motives and an opportunities and the intent for killing George Zimmerman. What are they. we can't tell because they don't exist but when we look at the other side and ask the question what motives did Zimmerman have for killing Trayvon he had at least 40+ reasons but the most important to Georgie was if Trayvon goes home alive I'll never be a police officer.

Help Me Hannity.

Do you know anything about Stand your ground….what was Zimmerman’s answer? And finally if you had it to do it all over again would you do anything differently. What was Zimmerman’s answer?

George! The 6th commandment is Thou shalt not kill. Jury...this means, It wasn’t God’s will for Trayvon to be dead, it was George Zimmerman's will. A will I know and the facts and evidence shows came from a sick, depraved, mentally unstable man who possessed the motive, the opportunity, and the depraved will that killed (ended the short Human life of Trayvon Martin). It was not God's will that killed Trayvon Martin, it was George Zimmerman’s will and gun and depraved heart that killed Trayvon Martin. It was George Zimmerman's gun that killed Trayvon Martin...It was George Zimmerman's will that Trayvon Martin had to die.

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