"What happens when 20% of the electorate equate having a black president with the wholesale destruction of America and it's values and why the media fuels this environment when it looks the other way"
How are those who oppose the President’s policy initiatives dispersed throughout the nation and what are the demographics of the individuals who oppose the president? When you ask these two questions there is no way that you can logically deny the stark racism that is the foundation of the fierce opposition to President Obama. The reason that racists have such political influence is that on the national level their numbers may lie between 10-20% or more but on state and congressional district levels and other specific parts of the country the local range of racists voters may be as high as 90% and as low as 50% this makes it political suicide to cast aspersions on the racist vote and their political objectives so Senators and House Representatives alike from these areas don’t cast the aspersions, or address the thr true presence of the race issue in fact they play to the desires of their local constituency by practicing Dog-Whistle politics. This is the power of racism and it’s influence on American politics while on the national stage racists political power may appear to be in the minority when you get down to individual districts and election purposes and writing and passing legislation “sausage making” racism actually has a significant majority presence in influencing Senatorial and House Representative legislation decisions as well as individual Senators and House Representatives themselves. Take the Joe Wilson issue, Joe Wilson should have received some sort of public rebuke and disciplinary action for violating House decorum by his own party it should have not have had to be a sole operation launched by democrats it should have been a swift a more stringent punishment championed by his own party. In no way was an indirect apology to the Whitehouse via Chief of Staff: R. Emmanuel and VP: J. Biden the correct response for what Joe Wilson did when he publicly assailed the character of not just Obama the person but his character in office and called the POTUS a liar while the president was addressing the nation and his apology should have been just as public and just as direct as his original offense…I’m talking Joe Wilson and the President on stage together with Joe Wilson apologizing to the president with all the nation watching. It is political poisonfor this President to get involved in any race tinged discussion because it only distracts attention from his policy objectives. But all the leadership of the Republican party required of Representative wilson was an indirect apology (so as to make the argument we don’t approve of how he did but I understand and support why he did it)…also they imposed no consequences for the affront in fact they benefit politically by making it appear that it is a partisan witch hunt by the democrats instead of what it was a necessary precedent busting remedy for Wilson’s egregious and possibly planned behavior. It has been said by Joe Scarborough that there is no way you can dismiss 20% of voters and expect to win elections on the national stage…there’s your answer that’s why 10 to 20 percent of racists have so much political influence on American politics when they are united…and that’s why you should not and cannot whitewash the influence and impact of racists in American politics as responsible commentators. As an African American I have a hard time understanding why an entire panel of commentators save for the one black guy has a hard time seeing the obvious role of racists in perpetuating policy an legislative terrorism and illuminating the political strategy and motives that are at play. By denying that racism has significant political support in America it is an ultimate insult and misrepresentation that racism doesn’t affect political discussion/discourse in America. “Do you remember the Southern Strategy do you remember the amount of significant power wielded and achieved by KKK sympathizers politically throughout the historical structure of this government. The Morning Joe panel makes an argument that of course with the 1st African American POTUS there is going to be those racist that act out but they don't exist in any significant quantity certainly not enough that their impact can inform, alter, or drive policy. There is a distinct prescience of obliviousness and/or indifference particularly by members of the media who claim not to be racist on the topic of the political and historical abuse of racism now and in the past and it's role in today's political discussions and I can’t discern whether or not that obliviousness is intentional or unintentional especially when topics of racism appear most singularly with this POTUS while the PC and the extremist way of addressing the issue is to summarily dismiss racisms influence though downplaying it’s importance. The point is racists do exist in significant #’s that allow them to have a very significant political impact and they receive money and funding from interests from entities whose sole directive is to stop this POTUS policy objectives. I believe that anywhere between 10% and 20% of America have irrational racial attitudes and cannot accept the fact that America has a Negro as President. It’s a very simple prospect that racists are being stimulated and funded by corporate interests to rabble rouse. They achieve their shared objective of disrupting perhaps sinking the Obama Presidency by disguising themselves as people of mainstream viewpoints politically on issues who are just voicing their opposition to particular policies when in fact they have no knowledge of the policies and could care less about the policy or the political debate and their main purpose is to shutdown the debate process not to respectively participate in it, their purpose is not to review or decide upon factual information or issues but instead to vociferously inject misinformation and fear into the dialogue that distracts from the topical and factual debate. To prove their point Morning Joe cites the presidents slide in poll numbers as being the result of individual voter dissatisfaction with Obama policy aspirations making no room for the intense organizational priming of the pump by right-wing extremist who oppose the president based solely on race this is what president Carter meant to convey that an overwhelming amount of the “Extremist” who oppose Obama in fact oppose him because he is Black. The Morning Joe Team has misinterpreted Carter’s statement as a veiled attempt by Carter to label all national opposition to Obama’s policy initiatives as a race infused mainstream phenomena instead of the ranting of a small but powerful and vociferous racist lunatic fringe. The Morning Joe misnomer is that Carter is calling all national mainstream opposition to Obama racist bigots and he does so at the peril of insulting the crossover independent vote by erroneously reducing their opposition to racism instead of recognizing their policy dissent as legitimate issues. Carter never said that everybody that opposes Obama’s policies are racist. Specifically what Carter said was that an overwhelming majority of the “Extremists” are in fact racists and the political maps demonstrate this beyond a doubt to any Media Comentator, or Op Ad Journalist, or Political Entertainer who seriously examines the evidence there is overwhelming evidence that race is prevalent dynamic issue in today's political discourse and is the greatest factor in keeping an already polarized nation further divided. To many media personlities are acting if the racism that exists in todays debate is insignificant and has no bearing on the national discourse and policy making procedures. You cannot solve a problem until you acknowledge that a problem exist and in as much as the Media along with vested corporate interests do not acknowledge that racism is the central problem in american politics that is affecting every major piece of constructive legislation and it only emboldens covert racial beliefs to become agressive racial displays and acts of violence. When racism is denied to exist until it grows to become overt acts...then God hepl us all. There is a current story when it comes to race and politics in America